Member of The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America
Breeder of over 50 AKC Champions **** 25 years breeding experience
PO Box 188, Stratford, NY 13470
(315) 429-8199
NEW LITTER jUST ARRIVED!!!-click here for more information
Champion Anatar's Fallyn V DeGrasso
and my kennel name is
DeGRASSO. Animals
have been a passion of mine since childhood. Memories go back to my first
horse, my first jump bareback to my first adventure with dogs into the
obedience ring and novice attempts in the conformation ring. Quite a few
years have passed and the passion is still there.
For more than 25 years, I have enjoyed
breeding, showing, obedience and tracking with American Kennel Club Rottweilers and Bernese Mountain Dogs. I have been fortunate to have
bred over 50 AKC Champion Bernese Mountain Dogs,
Specialty winners,Best In Show Winner, Breed at the prestigious Westminster AKC show, Top
Producers - Males and Females, Brood Bitch of the Year, and
Rottweiler Breeder Of The Year-1996/7. I am a member of
The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America.
My club activities have included founding the National Capital Rottweiler
Club, past President, a Director, and rescue coordinator in the DC area.
Also a past Director of Potomac Valley Bbernese Mountain Dog Club.
Please check my Personal Links for
my ideas on raising puppies, breeding philosophy and thoughts on doggie diet.
For information on Bernese Mountain Dog LITTERS click on
Champion Takari's Ivan DeGrasso
Champion DeGrasso's Fiona V Volmar
Champion Igor Vom Ecke-Manns-Hof
CH DeGrasso's Glory V Legacy
CH Dr. Rijkheer From The Barking Bunch
I'm Champion DeGrasso's Quest V Igor
CH DeGrasso's Faust V Rijkheer - 18 months old
CH DeGrasso's Karman V Legacy
CH DeGrasso's Onyx V Wodan
Champion Jette Vom Ecke-Manns-Hof *1997 AWARD OF MERIT WINNER*
Champion DeGrasso's Layla V Ebony
Please feel free to contact me at my snail mail address:
PO BOX 188, Stratford, New York 13470 OR Email me at
Champion DeGrasso's Jacob V Waxel CD - Most show wins in the history of the Rottweiler breed
Please come back and visit again