By George A. H. Bonadio

, Foundation For Health, Watertown NY 13601 - 3829

Most of a million researchers in health, or medicine, or physiology, or nutrition, or alternative techniques are qualified, and would be satisfied, to find a rather effective cure for, say, glaucoma, or heart attacks, or un-normal blood pressure, or un-normal blood sugar, or un-normal thyroid, or any of another three dozen afflictions.

However, they ÒknowÓ from learned ÒlogicÓ that, if an element is never found in the human body, that, that element is not needed for life. Then, it ÒlogicallyÓ follows, that Òany element not necessary for life, is not necessary for health.Ó So they could look, there, but they would not look, and they have not looked, Òlogically.Ó

However, not being so qualified, I did not know better, and I looked. I saw where the great toxicologist, whoÕs research took the toxic lead out of our gasoline and out of our paint, tested a number of Ònon-essentialÓ elements, on mice. He was testing for the increases of the lifelong cancer rates. Most of the elements he tested raised the cancers and/or the malignant tumor rates in their 500 day lifetimes.

He referred to element # 49, Indium, as Ònon-carcinogenic.Ó He had about a thousand digits in 18 columns, without graphs. From his numbers I gathered that the Indium was giving 26% to 42% less cancers and malignant tumors, than the two sets of controls, each of 100 mice. The NCI, National Cancer Institute, considers a 25% improvement rate as worth more cancer research fundings.

It happened that, as a hobby, I was looking for any more trace elements to put into my home made vitamin and mineral capsules, which I put together for my family. I knew enough to realize that I would get nowhere testing for cancer. However, I believed, then, in 1975, that anything which helped to reduce the lifelong rates of cancers and malignant tumors had to be improving the immunity system, by some worthwhile means.

I spent over 20 years testing Indium. At the FDA, in Washington, I found that only one compound of Indium was listed as GRAS, Generally Recognized As Safe. In mice it takes a very safe 1,000 times my rate to make animals ill, and over 11,000 times as much to kill half of them. Because of a practice that I had, I was able to recruit, in 23 years, about a thousand volunteer experimenters, about one per week.

All experimenters received no pay. It was not until recently that I discovered that the Indium would lock up with many foods and become unusable for benefits. Then I had to overcome this real problem. Meanwhile, three friendly researchers volunteered to make up and sell bottles, without my close supervision. They sold some, but the follow up sales were too poor to stay in business. The samples I gave them specified to Òtake upon arisingÓ and Òto not have any other food or drink for at least ten minutes.Ó They bypassed that precaution, in their own ways, and joined the failure rates, at great expense to all of us.

The first of two effective things which Indium does for most persons is to help the ÒMaster Gland ComplexÓ to regulate towards normal - from too high or from too low - about 31 hormone levels. The half-life of thyroid, the longest functioning hormone, is about 6 days. Twenty nine other hormones average half-lives of about 30 minutes. The fastest nine average 10 minutes, before it is used in application.

This is why pills, capsules, drinks and shots of various hormones are usually helpful but, still, impossible to regulate satisfactorily for oneÕs self. Indium avoids that time factor and goes to the regulator glands themselves. It is like improving a house thermostat which took a five degree change to switch it, and now Indium makes it switch at an improved one degree difference. The improved normalcy is obvious.

The second effective thing which Indium does is to significantly increase the utilization of trace elements into functioning vital organs. The great toxicologist, whom I mentioned, above, was the late Dr. Henry A. Schroeder. In his last, of hundreds of research papers, he again included Indium, as a Ònon-essentialÓ element. His paper referred, on the front notes, to his date of death, as April 20, 1975.

He had finished up long research programs, in his last four years, from his wheel chair. We can allow the error where he compared Chromium with Chromium IV and rated that above comparing different elements upon each other. In the different category, Indium far exceeded other elements in the helping of four essential trace elements of Chromium, Copper, Manganese and Zinc in being used in the tissues of five essential organs. The organs were the Liver, Lungs, Heart, Kidneys and the Spleen.

With Indium the Copper was used, by the mice, in these five essential glands, an average of 61% more, the Zinc by 79% more, the Manganese by 94% more, and the Chromium by a large 333% more. Today, for less than the effort of Dr. Schroeder, in that work, testing can show the changes in all 29 other elements known to be useful in the body, from the intake of Indium, apart from and before all other foods or drinks for, say, a whole hour before, and as the first intake of the day. We need to know if Indium overcomes other mineral deficiencies.

A conspicuous example is the action of Indium upon Chromium. I had found cases of Indium intake nicely reducing high blood pressures at rates of about one half point per day, such as from 160 down to 130 in two months. The Indium had increased the Chromium by +90% in the Spleen, by +112% in the Lungs, by +222% in the Liver, by a huge 536% in the Heart and an extreme +694% in the Kidneys. These are percents above the Ò100%Ó levels of the controls.

Meanwhile Dr. Walter Mertz, co-discoverer of our needs for Chromium, had supplied me with a paper, of his, on trace elements, in which he was concerned about the very poor absorption of Chromium and that failure being a factor in high blood pressure and heart attacks with a high death rate. He had found that Chromium was beneficial in these cases but that the absorption, of Chromium, was seriously poor.

My graphing of the data of Dr. SchroederÕs 1,000 digits shows that the control mice, deliberately fed, by a Òpoor dietÓ for comparison with controls, had to have an absorption of less than 16% absorption for the Heart and less than 14% for the Kidneys, to allow those high increases. The actual absorptions had to be less, not more, than these percentages.

We need some research, now, to know, from all four of the tested elements, by Dr. Schroeder, being usefully improved, are many more elements, which are useful, becoming newly sufficient by the inclusion of Indium in the human diet.?

Meanwhile, my list of claimed benefits, from uncompensated experimenters, approximates 50. Realize that I had to tell experimenter volunteers, who claimed that a medically diagnosable affliction was being corrected by my Indium Òexperimental sample, not for saleÓ that In Indium was Òno longer availableÓ ( - to them. I could not afford to supply anything for a personÕs diagnosed disease, as I would then be open to prosecution for Òpracticing medicine without a licenseÓ even though the factor was a nutrient. I am not allowed, by law, to ÒprescribeÓ a glass of water for any oneÕs Òdisease.Ó )

There are numerous afflictions, which, actually, are correctable by the inclusion, properly, of daily supplementation of Indium. That is, these are Nutritional Deficiencies, instead of diagnosable diseases. Then the list of benefits from Indium, will, in years, be much longer, in which some presumed diseases will be found to respond to a Nutritional Supplementation of Trace Element Indium.

There are cases of types who do not find any of the simple to find common benefits from Indium intake. One of these are the quarter of one percent of the population who have Type 1 Diabetes. Others are the types who consumes a meal before bedtime so that there is some still in the stomach upon arising. Many of the foods do complex with Indium so as to prevent IndiumÕs activity in the body. Hence the morning application, of Indium, when the stomach is most apt to be empty. Most of us eat inside of 12 hours and do not eat for twelve or more hours.

In the long range, Indium is going to change around certain of our ÒfixedÓ procedures, to accommodate the benefits from Indium. I expect, eventually, that it will be considered Òmal-practiceÓ for a Doctor attending a woman, whom he finds to be pregnant, for the Doctor to not prescribe her onto daily Indium. This is to prevent her having diabetes of pregnancy which is responsible for very much of the prematurity deliveries with low I.Q. and permanent eye problems. Indium also gives great elasticity to the whole pubic area in the last few hours for deliveries in several minutes of time. This prevents trauma for both.

The need for heart surgery, for clogged arteries, will disappear among users of Indium. Piles medication sales will shrink themselves. We will need about an hour less of sleep, for the same recuperation, giving several hundred more leisure hours per year.

Indium interferes with harmful drugs. Alcoholics will need three times the alcohol for intoxicating a more protected brain, at three times the cost, and they will receive the expected hangover for three times the alcohol, which becomes unbearable. It also takes the same three times as much caffeine to keep a tired brain awake, but with the better sleep, the caffeine becomes a burden. I used a printout Breathalyzer, 108 times, to find out that the intoxication is two - thirds less, but the breath test shows the true amount of alcohol.

A sense of well being will reduce thoughts of suicide. The numbers of tens of thousands of Indium users will have records of less of a whole row of afflictions. A large number of long term users of Indium may be able to give us numbers to the apparent benefits against new cancers and malignant tumors.

Of other interest is the apparent reduction in the appearances of aging. At 28, at the end of WWII I was 28 and people guessed me to be 35, or 125% of my real age. At 57 they guessed near 57, or 100% of correct. Now, at 81, guesses average 65, or 80% of my real age. In 24 years, then, I am guessed as looking 8 years older, which is not reading something correctly. It will take very many more cases to be sure of the typical effects. Oh, yes, my all white sideburns, of over 20 years ago, are now sprinkled with over 10% of black hairs. This could be from a better absorption of Iodine - and so it goes.

Pay attention to the times indicated to the recuperation from the 40 odd afflictions listed on the sheet: TIMES TO BENEFITS CLAIMED FROM INDIUM ABSORPTION and then of the guesses: COMMERCIAL ASPECTS OF ORAL INDIUM. © 1998, by George A. H. Bonadio, Watertown NY 13601 - 3829