
This unit is designed to awaken in 7th grade students a sense of tolerance and empathy while exploring the beginnings of slavery in the colonies, up to and inckudin the Middle Passage. The unit will cross over between English and Social Studies. The student will discover the historical and economic impacts of slavery in the colonies through a wide variety of tools, including promary source documents (ex.: broadsides), web sites, novels, videos, maps, photographs, ship manifesto and illustrations, and period music.


Historical Background:

In Social Studies class, students do readings, internet research, and watch historical videos to learn about the societal and economic impact of slavery on the U.S. Students work on a DBQ (document based question) similar to one they will encounter on the 8th grade NYS Assessments.


Technology Incorporation:

All students will go to the computer lab and do internet scavenger hunts. One is designed to discover the beginnings of slavery , including the history of The Middle Passage and a time line, while the other deals with African American loyalists during the Revolutionary War.

Students will view two Powerpoint presentations: 1) A Brief Introduction to Slavery and 2) How Slaves Used Quilts as Maps to find Freedom


Video Review:

As an aid for understanding, students viewed the movie based on the play. Students discuss the difference between the video and the novel, and speculate as to the possible reasons these changes were used. Students also watch a short segment of the movie "Roots," based on the novel by A. Huxley.



Students received grades on their cooperative group questions, individual questions, and an essay based on the novel.

After completing the analysis of online documents, students will be asked to create a memoir of an escaped slave. The writing will include information on the difficulties faced by the African people who were stolen from their homes, the tortuous journey across the sea, the mistreatment and humiliation encountered in the colonies, and the manner by which slaves escaped.