September 26, 1994

Full body rain suited digging
from a trough.
Full body cycle suited digging
from a tree.

3:53:32  85.5 Km  480 Km  (riding time, daily distance, trip distance)


Time passes more slowly when I am with you. There are moments when you smile or stare or cry that have yet to pass, though you are long gone. My time passes in the race against boredom; the faster the better. I remember it all in a blur. Time I have spent with you stands out. I remember seconds as hours, and days as weeks. Have we known each other five years? or fifty? Time flies when you are having fun; or does it? Time flies when you are not paying attention, when you are not linking your bodily events to your mind. When you are around, everything is alive; mind, body, heart; taking it all in and making more happen. I can remember what I see, feel and love like it is happening now. What I only see, I hardly know at all. It could be a memory thing, but I know that it is different because we have two lives to share one love, instead of one for none.


Tonight, not sleeping, I thought of what would happen if I met a French speaking cyclist, going my way.

The other day, passing through Montezuma (wildlife refuge), there were geese overhead. I shouted to them, "Go Geese, GO! I'm right there with you! I'll meet you in Texas with the sand pipers."

I am sure I would want to tell this story but I can't remember the French word for goose. I can only hope that if I do meet a French speaking cyclist, that they'll be patient