The Deranged Child At Age Eight

Bobby could hear someone or something calling him as he methodically mashed his toy cars into the sand of his tiny back yard sand box. As he heard the shrill voice calling his name, he contemplated who might be trying to lure him in the direction of the voice. Bobby recognized the voice to sound like his motherís, while he also remembered that several of the outer worlds of the galaxy Zyxog had developed several effective means of voice synthesis. One of the outer worlds was named Synxat, and he had ordered his fleet to attack a high technology ptupitozer plant on that planet. He deduced that the Synxantins would be looking for revenge so he took the precaution of putting up his personal deflection shield and of ordering a handful of his personal guards to stay alert. Soon the calling stopped and and heard foot steps behind him. Bobby turned quickly to face the stern form of his mother but he knew immediately that is was just another trick of the Synxatins. He quickly noticed that he had been fenced in with no hope of flight. He also noticed that his guards had been cruelly fun-gunned, and were laughing hysterically at his dangerous predicament. Then, suddenly, he remembered his personal deflector shield. The range was set for three meters and nothing could penetrate this shield. The form of his mother passed through the twice aforementioned shield, unscathed. He glanced quickly at the electronics and noticed that his personal deflector shield had been sabotaged. All was lost. The Synxatin grabbed him and laughed demonically. Then his mother brought him into the house and sent him to bed without supper for not coming when called.