March 30, 2000  To Answer Your Question Sejal

My house is not my girlfriend. What kind of relationship would that be?
She is far too demanding, always taking for herself, and whining and
complaining. She is fragile and needy. How is she nurturing?

My car is not my girlfriend. It is true that I can take her anywhere,
and that is important. My car is something of a prima dona though. Where
ever we go, she knows people are looking at her. She is also fragile and
a hypochondriac. There is always something wrong with her, some
complaint. For the right price I could trade her in for a younger
sleeker model, but that is not what I necessarily want in a car ( or a
girlfriend, for that matter.)

If I had a girlfriend that were, in fact, neither girl nor woman, I
would have a lake, or the woods or the rain. These three know love. They
are always there for you yet have their own strong character. While
there in no denying the dark cold waters of November, the bleak stumps
of January, or the cold rain of March, despite these ugly days, in the
presence of a lake you will always feel love. To hear waves lapping the
shore, see golden-orange leaves, or smell April, you are compelled to
breath deeply, and let a calm content wash over.

My girlfriend is not my house. My girlfriend is the woods.

By the way, it is still winter here.