August 24, 1999    And Then There Was One

So this is it. I am again alone in the woods. Douglas Taylor, Sidra, Brin
and Keenan rolled out of here not fifteen minutes ago. And I thought the
first thing I should do is commemorate the occasion with a little Digest.

I didn't go through with my plan of seeing the Blair witch project and
then coming home to the woods with all the lights out for my first night
alone, in months. I am still considering for tomorrow though. I think it
would be fun. But then I haven't seen the movie yet. Maybe I should have
another place to go if I can't come home.

I guess I was kind of in touch with some of you over the summer, and
others not so much. If you haven't heard any stories. I guess I wouldn't
know where to start. It was a good summer though. I learned a new way to
keep my sanity. It's not that the summer is so maddening but I go from a
hectic spring into a summer that can drive people mad and then into a
busy fall. My new plan is to be sure and get a block of time away at the
very beginning and very end of the summer. I "led" a short canoe trip
with four other staff just before the rest of the staff arrived, to be
sure they were comfortable with camp's gear and knew one of our excursion
sites. It was really an excuse for all of us to forget that the summer
was coming and to lay around and talk about good super power to have. It
was just the break we all needed.

I ended the summer by skipping out on the last week, to co-lead a
wilderness trip with three high school campers. This was also an excuse
to kick back and enjoy. The campers that weren't my friends already, are
now. I have been very relaxed since I got back. The highlight of the trip
for me was when we climbed my Gothics, one of the ten or so highest in
the state on a cold rainy miserable day. It was taking us for ever to
descent, after seeing nothing, because the rocks were just slippery and
our feet were being dumb. And sitting at a rest break, one of the campers
says, "this (the third day) is the best day yet. I knew then that we were
doing a good job leading because she understood that it was about being in
the woods and hanging out, and not about the number or height of the peaks
or the view even. Last year we failed at that.

I can think of a few other highlights and news from the summer. There was
another good overnight. A good day off visit with old friends and I
bought a guitar (which I can't play). My fish got a new tank, and some
plants, and two new friends. One of the new fish earned his name (carl
Lewis) and proved his olympic jumping ability when I found him on the
floor five feet away from the edge of the tank and under office furniture.
I was sure he would die when I put him back in the tank and started
picking rug lint and hole punch holes from him, but he has made a full
recovery. I say he is brain damaged for sure, but others assure me that
goldfish have nothing to lose. In fact it was a good summer for
Arizona (my first goldfish). He had his own office, that he let the
program director use. Just so you know the third goldfish is named That

For any one who knows me and camp and how shy I was ten years ago as a
camper. It may not amaze you that last summer was the first time I ever
did something at campfire, playing a little flute tune. This summer was
the first time I did something with other people. It was cool. We played
and sang the dead song "ripple" and I played a flute intro and postlude.
I'm going to be a rock star yet.

For those of you who could keep all the names from Guatemala straight.
Rony de Lec, and Rebecca cutter lead a week long program for the high
school students, about guatemala and the effects of globalization on the
culture and economies of developing nations. One camper had said to me
that it was a life changing program for her. I watched Hija del Puma,
with them. Actually I napped in the corner and listened, proud that I
could keep up with the movie without the subtitles, and then listened to
the discussion. It was really good to know that more people were hearing
a story that just hadn't gotten to them yet. A story that they really
needed to hear.

On my little social awareness development, I haven't been to wal-mart
since I came back from Guatemala. I know it is just the tip of the
iceberg, but it is a step, and I was just ignorant last year. Well if not
ignorant, not really committed to saying, "if I have to buy it at wal-mart
then I don't need it." Last year I said, "if it's what I want and cheap
then why not" I guess now I know better why not. I have joined Co-op
america. I had never heard of them before I got a mailing  a few weeks
ago. Mostly they promote socially and environmentally aware businesses
by publishing the Green Pages. Like the yellow pages, but only green
business. I'm not buying anything now without looking to see if I can
find a good green brand or green store. There is lots of info in the book
about getting started and steps to take in making you life "greener" Also
lots of info on responsible investing. If anyone is interested in more
info, just let me know. I would include a phone number now, but I don't
have it in front of me.

And in future plans. I'll be a camp until October 24th or so, then I will
be at a conference in texas and visiting my father until the second week
of november. Then it is anyone's guess. I feel a little irresponsible
about it but I guess Kurtiss and I will just be bumming around the west
hiking every trail we can find. I'm getting to old to be aloud to do
such things. But who am I to question? <-ironic, see?

I've been editing the crew manual, (or everything you wanted to know about
plumbing and compost at unirondack.) it's a lot of fun, but the entries
are starting to look like this email so I'd better go.
