Thursday April 21

We will cover section 5.1
Homework #13 will cover both section 5.1 and 5.2. There are 10 questions on My Math Lab for these sections. The first 6 questions are from 5.1 and the last 4 are from 5.2. The whole assignment is due Tuesday, 4/26. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL MONDAY NIGHT TO DO THIS WHOLE ASSIGNMENT - IT IS A DOUBLE ASSIGNMENT COVERING 2 SECTIONS AND YOU HAVE FROM THURSDAY UNTIL TUESDAY TO WORK ON IT.
In addition to the 10 problems on My Math Lab, you must complete and hand in to me p.354-355: 39-71odd which comes from section 5.1 and p.363:17-55odd which is from section 5.2. These are all due on Tuesday.

Monday April 25

We will cover section 5.2.
Homework #13 is explained above. Both pages of odd numbered problems as well as the 10 problems on My Math Lab are due by class on Tuesday.

EXTRA CREDIT: Don't forget that this is Math Awareness Week and you have several opportunities for bonus points. Go to the bulletin board online where you get your cannon mail to see the math questions each day. They must be turned in each day to Tim Grosse (you'll see this on the bulletin board) in order to get the extra credit. Other things will be announced in class.

Tuesday April 26

We will cover sections 5.3 and 5.4.
Homework: Study for a quiz Wednesday on sections 5.1-5.4: exponents, scientific notation, adding/subtracting polynomials, and multiplying polynomials.

Wednesday April 27

We will cover section 5.5 and have the quiz.
Homework due Thursday: p.394-395: 9-21odd, 25-31odd, and HW #14 on My Math Lab.

Thursday April 28

We will cover section 5.6.
Homework due Tuesday: p.404-405: 1-13odd, 21, 23, 25-39odd, and My Math Lab #15.

Monday May 2

We will cover section 5.7.
Homework due Tuesday: finish Thursday's assignment and add p.411:9-15odd, 35, 39, and 40.

Tuesday May 3

We will cover section 5.8.
Homework due Wednesday: p.426-427: 1, 5-13odd, 21, 31, 39, 55, 61, and My Math Lab #16.

Wednesday May 4

Review for the Chapter 5 Test.

Thursday May 5

Test on Chapter 5.
Homework: Extra Credit "Tests" for review of chapters 2 and 3 are due Monday.

Monday May 9

Exam Review.

Tuesday May 10

Exam Review.