Brother MacMurray

So, you wanted to learn more about me eh?  Well I am afraid there is not much to tell really.  I am far from your average, or ideal for that matter, follower of Antana.  Some members of our order were guided in their path by positive forces in their world and life, my story was not as pleasant.  I came to believe in a less idealistic way.

I was raised the son of a Duke, groomed from a very young age in the ways of the world, at least the ways of the world my father had wanted me to learn.  My first memories are of shortswords and flails rather than the normal childhood memories.  I knew a life of war, death, and deceit for the majority of my years and I held no objections.  One can always turn a blind eye to the ugly sides of conflicts when you are on the winning side.

The only bad part of always being on the winning side is that sooner or later your luck has to run out.  Ours ran out on a fog drenched morning I will never forget.  The fog had covered the low lands with a blanket whose thickness I had never and think I shall never see again.  From all reports we marched on an enemy far inferior to ours in number.  Our only guide in the dense fog were the skirl of the pipes as they played and lead us into an enemy whose strength and position we could not see and did truly understand.  

The hours and even days to come only appear to me now as blurred nightmares that wake me out of a cold sweat.  Our army, thousands upon thousands, all dead or captured.  Everything we had worked, fought, and bled for was taken, burned, or destroyed.  I do not know what ever became of my parents.  I was immediately taken away and given unto the monks, to hide and protect me. 

At first my time with the monks dragged and each day seemed like a new height of boredom, only passing the time until I was able to raise enough men to fight and reclaim my lost birth right.  As the days turned into months, months into years, and on & on...I began to feel more at home and even find a sort of inner peace and strength, I began to understand why so many had chosen to leave their lives to follow and pray to this 'Antana'.  I too came into the fold of his glory and love and became a diehard follower.

So now you know a little bit about me.  What will the future bring, I do not know.  I do know that through faith and prayer all my life's goals will come into focus when the time is right and to quote a favorite verse of mine: "I shall rise up and smite my enemy".  We shall be warriors on a holy crusade to right the wrongs afflicted on our fellow country men.

"Yay, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil, they rod and they staff they comfort me...and if that weren't enough, I am the baddest monk in the whole damn valley"
