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2001 Archive

Stories, poems and essays 1986-2001

Letters: My New Year's Resolution to write

Page MixiM: Ebay Satelite

Sick Of My Voice?
How I Narrowly Escaped Being a Reader'sDigest Story  by Jenna
The Regulars by Cambria   ***NEW***  

A Pixel in the life...
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Francis lake

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Good 'olWishy's

Adirondack Lakes Survey: sign in and get info on any lake in the adirondacks including maps, acidity, wildlife.
Unirondack: Unitarian Universalist Camp and Conference Center




Write Me! MiXiM


March 13, 2001
Michael McArthur
HC 62 Box 223
Lowville NY 13367

One Coca-Cola Plaza
Atlanta, Georgia 30313
To whom it may concern,

I greatly enjoy Sprite. 90% of the soda I drink is Sprite. I only buy something else when Sprite is not available. This is why I was distressed to read about Coca-Cola in a less that positive light in Co-op America Quarterly. In the past two issues, you were mentioned as an example of a company that has not done all it can to lead in environmental and social responsibility. Another article tells about your promise to make all of your refrigeration units CFC free, but also mentions that you have not lived up to your commitment to raise the percentage of recycled plastic in your bottles.

Your commitment to reduce ozone depleting gasses in the environment is a very important one, and I want to be sure you know that I thank you for that. This action is a good example of Coca-Cola living up to it’s responsibility to lead the world in environmental stewardship.

Given your record with the recycled content of plastic bottles, I will have to wait and see that you live up to your commitments. It does no good to make an effort if you do not do the work. Being such a large corporation , Coca-Cola has greater responsibility to take the lead in protecting the environment. A small policy change of 15% recycled matter in bottles, saves tone of new plastic. Your size allows you economies of scale in distribution, as well as in conservation. Please live up to your potential in the latter. Your bottles ask me to recycle, but what good is it for me to recycle 100% of my bottles if you are only using 10% of them?

All of this is to say that I expect corporations that I support with my purchases to make reasonable steps to be socially and environmentally responsible, and to be accountable to the social and environmental costs in it’s bottom line, not just the size of dividends. Co-op America has launched a new web site,, where companies are graded on three categories, Workplace, Environment and Disclosure. Coca-Cola’s grades are B, A, B respectively. Pepsi’s are B, A, A. There is other information there about Coca-Cola, but there is no response from your company. I am a concerned consumer and I will be watching for your improvement.


Michael McArthur
